Chicken Pizza Crust

If you are looking for a low-carb option to pizza and have had enough cauliflower – here is your recipe!

1 can chicken breast

1 large egg

1 TBS parmesan cheese

Seasoning as desired


Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

Drain canned chicken and add to a food processer. Combine egg, cheese and desired seasoning. I prefer an Italian seasoning added to the crust. Process until smooth.


Press mixture flat on parchment paper, making the crusts as big or small as you like. I personally make several small crusts for individually sized pizza.



Bake for 10 minutes, then remove from oven. At this point you can either freeze the crusts or add pizza toppings as desired. Bake for an additional 10 minutes with toppings. When I freeze my crusts, I take out a crust, add toppings, and then airfry them for 8 minutes at 400 degrees. This makes the crust very crunchy and yummy!

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