Tips and Tricks for Potty Training

pexels-photo-191845.jpegSo you’re thinking your little one is ready for potty training! Yay! This is a very exciting step for all parents, the freedom to wander without carrying a diaper bag. There are a few signs you can look for if you are wondering if your little one is ready or not.

  1. Little one hides when they go in their diaper
  2. Little one is curious about the potty
  3. Little one indicates when they need diaper changed

Most children are ready to be potty trained around 18 months to three years, but please remember that every child is different.

So ready to take the next few steps? Let’s go!

  1. Introduce your little one to their potty chair
  2. If they are interested have them sit on the chair, even if it is with their diaper on at first
  3. Let them follow you into the bathroom and observe the happenings of the room

I am a firm believer in giving a child incentive to start training. I personally kept a plastic bag of gummy bears in my bathroom. When my little would sit down, she got a gummy bear. As things progressed I would withhold gummy bears until she went potty. Next step was a very special fruit snack for when she went number 2 in the potty. Now, down the road the gummy bears have disappeared and she is fully trained on her own.

Consistency is key when starting potty training. I picked a long holiday weekend when I would be home with my little one to really focus on potty training. I set an alarm on my microwave to remind me every 30-40 minutes to take my little one to the potty. After four days of consistent timing it seemed as though things finally clicked.

Remember that regression happens and it is a normal thing a lot of little ones experience. Please have patience with your little one through their regression and go back to very consistent times. This may be a time to revisit giving the little one incentives.

Potty training should be a fun and joyful time for both parent and little one. This is a great time to tell stories, sing songs, and play little games as they sit and wait. There are also a plethora of books to read, particularly potty training books. Make it fun!